Sunday, November 13, 2005

TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)

I applied for a job...I applied to teach English as a foreign language in Libya. Yes, I found a job opening, I applied, and now I wait. I would LOVE to get this job. Then maybe I can finally see my extended family (whom I have never met). Maybe then I can see the land where my father grew up. Maybe then I can let go of everything I hold on to in order to stand back from others. Maybe I won't be disillusioned anymore. Maybe...

It would be nice to have Aunts and Uncles. It would be nice to know what it is really like to have cousins. It would be nice to get away from the everyday, never-changing world which is mine (although it is I who have kept it as such).

I just pray that Allah give me what is best for me in this life and the next. Ameen.


Ninnevah said...

oh cool!!
my friend's sister is teaching english in Libya!!

LittleLibyan said...

That is super cool! We'll have to be in touch! My Dad is actually from Libya, even though I've never been. I really wanna work there for a while insha'Allah. Make dua for me to have whatever is best.

Ninnevah said...

Her family is from sacramento(i think) but theyre parents are Libyan so yeah, kinda the same thing, plus the american accent helps:)