Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Today we begin our fast of the holy month of Ramadan. And for the last two years or so, I have not really 'felt' the month as it has come and gone. I used to be filled with happiness and joy....but I have had to feign such feelings the last two years. Not because I needed to show others that I felt such, but because I truly desired to 'feel' Ramadan.

Alhamdulillah, I can truly say I feel RAMADAN....and it was because of the actions of my students...

This morning as I walked into the building was bombarded with kisses and hugs from the sisters who work with me. I began smiling.... Students walked up to me with smiles on their faces and wished me "Ramadan Mubarak"......... I continued smiling..... Students in younger grades that I don't teach approached me with hugs and "Happy Ramadan"...... I was practically beaming as I smiled back at their sincere faces...... Former students now in high school blessed me with "Kul Sana wa inti bekhair" ("May you be blessed every year") and the young sisters even shook my hand and kissed me with delight at this holy month..... I have been smiling ever since.....

Alhamdulillah, I feel Ramadan. And insha'Allah, because of my smiles and my greetings I have made someone else's month better.

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