Friday, June 01, 2007


yesterday, I saw the most beautiful tree…I
ever saw in my life. It was yellow…. Almost
as yellow as the sun. It could be…Called
the sunlit tree; it was that yellow…You
might think I am crazy staring at trees…And
you might be right. But standing there I ….Asked
myself why it amazed me; it was the flowers…You
almost don’t see them from the ground…To
really see them you must…Go
back a few steps and look at them…Out
of the corner of your eyes…With
such beauty all around…Me

I couldn’t help…But
feel. I am not sure if…I
can describe it; I…Didn’t
try to contain it in words yesterday…I
just admired it; sometimes I…Wish
to always observe nature always…Sometimes
I wish to be around it always…I
love to feel the breeze; it …Would
be nice to always go there…But
it reminds me of you and…I
don’t need to be reminded…Didn’t
need to be reminded…


Anonymous said...

Salam Sister, you sound down. remember ina ma3a'l 3osrey yusra. or however you write it in Eniglish. nice pome, though it is sad. your starting to sund just like me.

LittleLibyan said...

Thanks Salah.

I have a feeling that my secret is still a secret in this post though. Oh well, a secret's not a secret if others know. Right? :)

Anonymous said...
