Sunday, May 04, 2008

Of course I don't love him! (better titled 'ramblings are really the only way to go')

Well, I would never be with him. Actually, he has many faults. First he ___, then there's the issue with _____, not to mention the problem of _____. That's just the beginning. See, I'd never actually do it because I wouldn't expect him to change.

The fact that you have a list of his faults really means you've considered him.

if only she knew the half of it
she'd shoot me down
it's scary to think friends
know enough about you
to see when things are wrong
and know too much about you
to see when you try to
hide behind a mask of
false identity-
they know your smell
they know your voice
they know your hair color
they know your shoe size
they know your heart's desire
they know your heart's fears
they listen when you laugh the loudest
or cry the softest and they know
exactly why or at least how
to be there
when you really want
them all to go away

i just wanted to document
a moment of truth with
one particular friend
during one particular conversation
on one particularly cruel subject.
instead i painted a
portrait of my friends
and our peculiar relationship
of love


Salah said...

When people leave blanks empty I feel obligated to fill in the blanks. so here is my attempt and be honest if I come close. smokes, America and kids. Did you know that Love makes the world go around? So they say.

LittleLibyan said...

When I wrote the blanks in, I didn't really choose particular faults (since I really have thought of more than three). However, smokes is indeed one of the appropriate words for a blank. Love makes the world go around? That's so gay! ;)

(What the world needs now is love, sweet love. It's the only thing that there's just too little of.)

Salah said...

That's a bunch of garbage, no body really believes that. What the world needs is more money and malls to spend that money.