Saturday, August 11, 2007

How are you?

There is a big hole in my being. I can't fill it. I can't ignore it.

There is a smaller gap in my existence. It can be filled. It has to be ignored.

Void. Cold. Bare.

Scared. Alone. Weak.

Fake. Empty. Blank.

Stronger than you think; Weaker than I believe.

Deperate. Sad. Open.

"I'm fine, alhamdulillah."

It is scary to be so frank. It is good to have a venue to be so real. It is unbelievably relieving to just write the words though I can never say them aloud. This is only one way I exist, this blog. This is the way that I am able to exist in real life. Here I don't have to pretend. Here I don't have to be anything. Here I just am. Though this is not the complete ME.


Anonymous said...

Alhamdullah you found your way to vent. for some it's not that easy

> said...

Dude I so know what you mean.

Afnan Libeeya needing Libya said...

thats amazing, but sometime no word spoken or written can be explained, i love this blog mashllah its great
take care