Monday, August 30, 2010

Translation please.

No. He didn't actually mean it was a good idea.

No. I apparently got it all wrong.

You see, what he really meant was that maybe I should try and then fail.

Or maybe that I could succeed but that there should be someone to buy the furniture as she said.

So now I'm stuck with a house, a brother, and a nice size pool.

And although I can say alhamdulillah and be happy, I must now step up project Mawadeh. The search for him must begin anew and now with a stronger sense of urgency and desperation.

Now it really begins.

Friends, look harder before I do something a little crazy.

I have half a mind to ask someone to just do it for the relative comfort of at least a good while.

That's what friends are for, right? Marriage by default?

1 comment:

Salah said...

I think when you don't look is when you find. Did you get the house?