Thursday, April 03, 2008

Life and Death (but mostly death)

I lost my little bitty, teeny tiny top left wisdom tooth. It was the tooth that caused my gums to swell up before erupting into a useless mass at the back of my mouth that I couldn't touch with a toothbrush.

I lost the tooth next to it. It was the molar that allowed me to chew delicious morsels of appetizing dinners and tantalizing desserts. It was the molar that later kept me up at night with its chipped side and caving cavity.

I lost them; they were taken.

You cannot see where they were. No one will ever notice. In a few weeks time, it will be as if they never existed in my mouth; the gum will heal and the chewing without them will be normal.
Until then, my tongue will miss her neighbor, her friend. Until then, my tongue will feel awkward. Until then, my tongue will remember the tooth that was.

Until then, my tongue will weep.

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