Thursday, January 04, 2007

Ya Halawa!

...little kids dancing.........haram!
...little kids kicking feet in air that is similar to really bad 'break dancing'....haram!
...imitating the haram! (I mean what were we thinking?)
...saying this in front of everyone including the kids who then went home crying...ya haram! days here are numbered...

seems purely hypocritical to me

Allah knows best, but this was simply ridiculous. No wonder our kids think Islam is so hard and then do things so bad (but not while imitating the kafir...haram!)

I'm so gone next gone...

Allah knows best kamlah...Allah knows best...but I don't believe it and therefore cannot live in it. Maybe I'll leave and then miss it so much that I'll come back. Or maybe I won't and I'll get paid more, be appreciated more, and learn more than my neverending lessons in reinventing the wheel that I feel are never EVER ending.

Dude I love and hate this place.

Love it mostly.

Hate it when I think about what happened.

I'm burnt out and need to get away.

Umm....reminder to self: Allah knows best.


Brave Heart said...

it's completely difficult,as u said Allah knows best

Anonymous said... is the best site for student management online.

How could we ever plan according to the MI's?

American Muslim 1983 said...

We all need to get out of our comfort zone at some point or another in life... otherwise we never grow as a person...